Remarketing preview image featuring surf boards.



reengaging with your audience and potential customers via display and sometimes text-based advertising over multiple online platforms to encourage them to return to your site to complete a transaction or other form of measurable engagement.


retargeting, audience marketing, targeted paid placement marketing, prompted re-engagement, “Google/Alexa/My Phone is listening to me”

It’s almost impossible to avoid some kind of retargeted marketing in our day-to-day lives but while you probably, as a marketer, understand that you are being ‘stalked around the internet’ you may not know exactly how it’s being done – or how effective it can be!

Remarketing is the art of reengaging with your target audience through display or text advertising after they have already visited your website.  This advertising is available over a number of platforms and networks such as Facebook, YouTube and across various websites often via the Google Display Network or another network.

Of course, none of this is free, it (normally) falls under the same cost per click (CPC) model as paid search marketing or a pay per view model, but over the last few years remarketing has consistently demonstrated high levels of ROI for businesses due to the re-engagement element.

There is nothing wrong with giving someone a little nudge once in a while to say ‘Remember us? we’ve still got that thing you wanted. why not come back and get it?’

Dristy – Search & Social Media Assistant, fan of being reminded of what she has left in online shopping baskets.

Getting started is the tricky part, because though remarketing campaigns have the ability to evolve and grow once live, constantly building a new audience on a rolling basis, they do require a bit of setup.

To run a successful remarketing campaign you must ensure that your website is covered from a cookie tracking standpoint, ensuring the audience data collection has been correctly attributed, and ensure the campaign content is setup to display correctly across a number of different platforms and devices.

Luckily this is something that we are here to help with, managing the process from start to finish, just give us a brief and let us work our magic, providing you with regular reporting and optimising the campaign as it moves forward.

Contact us for a chat and we will help you to get the ball rolling on your first remarketing campaign or take your current campaigns to the next level.