

wonderful Managing Director, extraordinarily skilled in SEO and Marketing (with an impressive talent for plate spinning).

Origin: Greek
French female form of Dennis, from the Greek name Dionysios, Greek god of wine

Denise chanced into an SEO forum in 1996, wanting to know why her web design clients weren’t appearing at the top of Alta Vista, and was instantly hooked. Since then she has worked both client side and agency side with brands as varied as PartyGaming (for whom she gained #1 concurrent rankings for Poker and Casino), Furniture Village, Fullers Brewery, NPower and Manchester Arndale.

Most recently Head of Search, Social and Media for a full service digital marketing agency, she wanted to spend less time in meetings and more doing the hands on things that have kept her enthralled for <whispers> almost three decades.

So she started Samphire, surrounded herself with a small but extremely talented band of marketers, and created an agency which works the way she likes to work herself.

In her downtime she is renovating (or perhaps more honestly rebuilding) a quirky house with a jungle for a garden and altogether too many things still on the to-do list. She loves baking, dancing and occasionally sitting in the sun reading, if she can fight her way through the nettles to the bench.

What clients say about Denise

A safe pair of hands to deliver any SEO goals, however complicated. Cool, calm and collected – when we need to know something is being done properly, Denise is the answer.

What her colleagues say about Denise

Without Denise, there would be no Samphire… or cake, or office meows…

What Denise says about working @ Samphire

I wake up each morning and feel really lucky to have a job I genuinely love. And then Google do an update…